Thursday, January 2, 2020
Horror Movie Essay - 1439 Words
3/22/2012 English 100 The Best of Horror movies Many people would say that their favorite way to have fun is to go to a beautiful beach and build sand castles or hang out with their friends at the mall. But for me, put me in a dark theater with a murderous psychopath on the loose threatening teenagers and I am happy. I am a lover of horror movies. This is something that I don’t always tell people, because it seems kind of weird to enjoy being scared and grossed out by lots of blood and gore. But in fact, I love horror movies, and I am not alone. And I am not crazy. Horror movies can be not only fun, but some experts have even argued that they are harmless or even good for us. There are many people who say that horror†¦show more content†¦Out of all of them I was the only one who was not afraid. I did not scream, nor did I ever cover my eyes like they did. At one point Barbara tried to leave in the middle of the movie because it was too â€Å"scary†I quickly put my leg up in front of her and told her â€Å"relax its not even that scary we didn’t pay ten dollars just to see half of the movie and leave†. She stayed but it would have been a good idea if I had let her go. Why? Because she constantly kept screaming every 10 seconds a â€Å"scary†part came up in the movie. Farah on the other hand was trying to keep it â€Å"cool and tough†just like I was, she didn’t scream much but the expression on her face was priceless, you can tell she was scared. But I kept laughing at them and saying â€Å"it’s not even that serious†so they probably thought I was really â€Å"tough†. So this is wha t Stephen King means when he says we try to prove how strong we are or how cool we can play it knowing that the movie is really scary. Most interestingly, he says â€Å"By the time one turns 40 or 50, one’s appetite for double twists or 360 degree loops may be considerably depleted†(King) Once we start to get older our love for horror movies start to disappear and we become little kids again that are afraid to watch scary movies. So King is also basically saying that mostly the younger generation prefers to watch horror movies. â€Å"That may explain why horror movies are most popular with younger audiences. Teens and twenty-somethings â€Å"are more likely toShow MoreRelated Is Jaws a Horror Movie? Essay1524 Words  | 7 PagesJaws a Horror Movie? First, I will intend to take you on a brief journey through the horror genre and the conventions that have been associated. Second I will show you how these conventions are used in the film Jaws. Let’s take a closer look at the history of the horror genre. To get started we are going to start with the first era or as it’s called the silent era. 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In King’s Playboy-published essay, â€Å"Why We Crave Horror Movies,†he examines the popular trend of attending horror films, and he provides several explanations for this craving behavior. King claims that attending these gory films is not just a trend; he believes that it is a necessity. In the essay, King claims that we need/crave horror movies for two
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